الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

Warning central Spanish restores the euro to its lowest level

Euro fell to its lowest level in two weeks against the dollar on Wednesday, after Spain's central bank said that the available data consistently predict GDP deflator "great rate" in the third quarter of the year.

The euro fell 0.4% to 1.2848 dollars on any trading platform. B. S, recording the lowest price since September 12, before declaring the Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank) for strong quantitative easing measures.

The further losses to pay currency to target an average of two hundred-day moving at 1.2826 dollars, with the growing concern over how long would ask Spain for international help.

The single currency fell to its lowest level in nearly two weeks against the yen at 99.71 yen on IE. B. S.

Euro gains helped the dollar to rise against a basket of currencies as the currency index highest level in two weeks at 79.90, but scored the lowest level in nearly two weeks against the yen, which is considered a safe haven and at 77.60 yen on IE. B. S.

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