السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2012

Kuwait Oil: million barrels production fields north in 2017

Deputy Managing Director confirmed to northern Kuwait in the "KOC", Hassania Hashem, that the production of the north of the country will reach one million barrels per day by the year 2017, after the completion of a number of major projects.

Hashim said in an interview with the Kuwaiti News Agency "KUNA" yesterday, said that the production of northern Kuwait arrived at the present time to about 700 thousand barrels per day, noting that the layers of the earth in this region need to pump large amounts of water to extract the oil.

It pointed out that the water pumping project will inject about 500 thousand barrels of water per day, production is expected to increase the northern fields within a year of its opening to 800 thousand barrels per day, in reference to the decline in production in the event of non-completion of this project.

And alluded to the existence of similar projects the company is accomplished to reach production to one million barrels of oil a day by 2017, including three collection centers and center No. 3 pump water that is pumped up to 400 thousand barrels of water per day to the center to collect water and complex piping wells, in addition to the line transport oil from the north of the country to the Mina Al-Ahmadi length of 100 kilometers.

She added that these projects also drill up to 400 wells over the next five years.

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