الاثنين، 24 سبتمبر 2012

Motorola maps Thishtq Apple and make a mockery of service "iLost"

Joined the company "Motorola Mobility" owned by the company "Google" to the team "cynical" of service maps Apple new, which is one of the most radical changes in the operating system's New "EOS 6", which did not receive warm welcome and praise, as expected by "Apple".

Motorola participated in promoting "hash anaphylaxis": I lost (iLost) mocking of poor service provided by Apple for its users.

The "Apple" had acquired three leading global companies in this sector, and promised fans "iPhone" to providing the best service maps in the world than any other service.
The price of giving up the "Apple" for services "Google"
In addition to campaigns offensive satirical launched by major competitors on the scene technical as "Samsung" and "Nokia" in an attempt to "fish in troubled waters", launched also "Motorola" campaign ads intensive untapped imbalance grave and poor performance, which seemed to serve the maps "Apple."

He described many of the technical experts and ordinary users perform mapping service to "catastrophic", immediately put the phone to global markets, complaining of numerous navigational errors, and switch places, sites and names of cities and sometimes even the disappearance of some of the maps.

And considered by some analysts in the field of technical that abandon the "Apple" for the experience and the nobility of Google in this area was the victim of consumers, who directed a wave of criticism overwhelming to Apple demanding the return of service Google Maps again to their smart phones, while exploited company "Google" these appeals angry over Ngredatha through "Motorola".
Hash Tag "# iLost"

As Grdt Motorola on Twitter message content that "the real world is befitting your hand" along with a picture of Google Maps on her smart phone Hand Mmsuka, while the new Apple phone appears provocative manner, including an address other than the address that the user is looking for.

On Facebook I wrote Motorola message on the front thrust: "service Google Maps Stewavic reports Live traffic colors green, yellow and red, to be your guide wherever you", referring to the inability of the service maps Apple to guide the user during his trip.

And on "Google Plus" published Motorola advertising in the form of a question: "Are you looking for Street" 315 E 15th "in the city of Manhattan," and answer declaration: "You can access it through the" Google Maps "with a phone Druid Razr," while the title appears missing the phone "iPhone."
"Apple" ask for patience
For its part, did not respond "Apple" campaigns, which had been affected, claim giving it more time and patience to fix errors. She stressed that the entire team of Company operates under psychological pressure and nervous to get things back to normal.

Noteworthy that some of the bodies were the blame regarding the failure of the program maps for the "iPhone 5" Company "Tom Tom" Dutch being one of the basic rules that were based upon Apple in its service.

The listed company defended itself vigorously, pointing out that its role is limited to providing a sound data base, hinting to its long history in this area over the past 20 years with many of the technology companies.

The "Tom Tom" to "Apple" is not guilty only and should not be located on the burden error whole, they rely on more than 20 partners last, which means probability of occurrence of blending or mixing between navigational data with other data too large, resulting him some serious mistakes.

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