السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2012

Profit of 12.8 billion ECN Week "events Embassy"

Despite turning screens Egyptian Stock Exchange to red at the end of meetings last week, but the market was able to finish last week's trading at heights collective capital of listed companies paid out to win about 12.8 billion pounds during the course of the past week.

The market began trading last week at record highs pushed all stocks to achieve great leaps in prices, but with solutions Tuesday, the middle of the week, stock screens turned red with the support profit taking by the investors.

The capital gain market shares listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange over the past week about 12.8 billion pounds, equivalent to 3.2% after ending last week's transactions at the level of 404.6 billion pounds at the close of trading yesterday on Thursday, compared to about 391.8 billion pounds to close the week before last.

The report showed weekly Egyptian stock to market signals major and minor recorded altitudes collective where he managed "index Eiji X 30" to add about 165 points equivalent of 2.9% after ending last week's trading at 5827 points, compared to about 5662 points at close trading week before last.

The index "Eiji x 70" including 1.8%, adding about 10 points after trading ended Thursday at 553 points, compared to about 543 points to close trading last Thursday before.

The index also rose "Eiji X 100," he said, adding about 16 points, equivalent to about 1.7% after ending last week's transactions at the level of 914 points, compared to about 898 points.

The deputy chairman of the Egyptian Association for the Study of finance and investment, Mohsen Adel, in an exclusive statement to "Arab. Net," said the record highs witnessed stock market reflect the status of economic optimism that prevails market and stimulate investors to buy daily, pointing out that the stock market prior to the events which now precedes the positive results of the efforts made by the current government to rebuild the economy and attract investment from everywhere in the world.

He pointed out that optimism attracts new investors to the stock market and new purchasing power supports the continuity of stock activity, considering that the Egyptian Stock Exchange has benefited greatly from the end of the crisis, the U.S. Embassy quickly gives an indication of the return of the prestige of the state and its power to impose its control over the situation.

He added that the decline in the interest rate on treasury bills is another reason behind the trend investors to the stock market as well as economic agreements that were signed during the visits recently as well as a economic strategies adopted by the government Kandil and adherence not to reduce exchange rate and direction for a loan the International Monetary Fund, He pointed out that the market is profit taking in a healthy and normal after strong gains witnessed by the market recently, and he said "I do not expect that there will be profit-taking broadly."
He stressed just should not be over-reactions in light of the market continued activity during the coming period, which will be linked mainly to developments expected in the political and economic situation, as well as the continuity of attracting new liquidity and enhanced flexibility investment market if there were any profit-taking or pressure exceptional on the market.

Adel said the success of the exchange in maintaining achieve daily trading volumes over one billion pounds during the last period is a good sign and we hope to achieve more power bourse and recovery in the coming period supported by several positive news.

He pointed out that the ratio of investment medium and long term are on the rise compared to the beginnings of the year, which was noted in the recent market, where there are a slice of investors are targeting to keep their shares or more years, and not speculation daily, which is a positive for the stock market that you need to like this kind of investors , in order to enable indicators of cohesion and continue its upward course.

He noted that the Egyptian Stock Exchange suffered for almost a year and a half of news and adverse events daily demonstrations class and Mleoniat and cut roads and bloody incidents and incursions and loss of security and economic collapse and political and other what was cost the bourse billions of pounds daily losses, explaining that the situation is now reversed completely and began situation is moving in the right direction and we receive daily positive news on the political level, security and economic either cash or economic indicators or new investments, considering that all the stock it helps to continue her recovery.

He predicted just be estimates corporate results for the third quarter catalyst bulk of the performance of local stock markets during the coming period, pointing out that after a long period influenced the market by external factors, whether political factors or economic factors, it is expected to return the market during the coming period to be affected by factors internal and return control for buyers again, noting that the actual impact of the economic and political reforms expected in the medium term will be with a higher risk appetite and the availability of capital to investors.

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