الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

Egyptian Stock Exchange on the eve of the 6000 point barrier

As the market awaited the Egyptian announcement of positive incentives paid to break the barrier of 6 thousand points, and continued its upward trend indicators which started two days ago, to end the day on a collective high.

Analysts said the traders in the market that the purchasing power that appeared on the market a few days ago pushed stock prices to rectify its bearish trend upward, noting in an exclusive statement to "Arab. Net" to the Arabs and foreigners are still continuing their policy of purchasing which confirms expectations continually rise market during future meetings.

The capital gain market shares of listed companies, about 700 million pounds to about 412.2 billion pounds at close of trading today compared to about 411.5 billion pounds at the close of trading yesterday Tuesday.

The main index of the Stock Exchange main "Eiji X 30" by 0.2% to reach the level of 5969 points, as the index of "Eiji X 70" by 0.9% to reach the level of 574 points to close the day. The index also rose "Eiji x 100" 0.57% to trade at the level of 941 points.

The director of trading company Tim Securities, Amani Abdul Muttalib, in an exclusive statement to "Arab Net", hikes continuing stock paid to the need to reconsider the precautionary measures that have already established the Stock Exchange during the periods that were experiencing tumble proportions record and that fear of collapse.

She explained that the reconsideration of these actions may push to attract more liquidity, whether Arab or foreign and also domestic, which will support the rise of the market and higher earnings.

She explained that the projections indicate a steady rise of stock market though the barrier of 6 thousand points is the most important in the coming period, but more difficult, confirmed the possibility of the main index exceeded this level in the event of continued foreign demand and the Arabs on the purchase.

She said that the profit taking witnessed by the market was the most important obstacle to overcome the main index to 6 thousand point barrier, where he soon emerged profit taking soon surpassed. Noting that today's session saw strong buying by institutions and investment funds Egyptian and foreign stocks selected in the corporate sector and leadership, owner buying from individual investors on some speculative stocks.

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