الاثنين، 24 سبتمبر 2012

Kurdistan region gets 147 thousand barrels agreement Baghdad

Said the Kurdistan region of Iraq's semi-autonomous day he will get 147 thousand barrels per day of petroleum products, in the framework of an agreement with Baghdad to end a dispute over oil dues.

The agreement does not solve which was announced last week, but some aspects of the wider conflict between Baghdad and the Kurdistan on oil exports and energy policy, and land, topics become interesting for the growing controversy, according to the agency "Reuters".

Barzani said the Kurdish prime minister in a statement posted on the website of the Kurdistan Regional Government on Thursday this agreement can not address all the problems, but is a good step.

The statement said that under the agreement will be sent the central government in Baghdad, 17% of oil derivatives to Kurdistan, which is equivalent to 147 thousand barrels per day.

Is at loggerheads with Baghdad and Kurdistan on big oil companies like Exxon Mobil and Chevron, which have signed exploration agreements with the Kurdish government, which Baghdad considers illegal.

And gets the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, which has government and its armed forces since 1991 on funding from the central government and national uses pipelines to export ore.

Baghdad says that the central government is the only one that has the right to export oil and gas.

Barzani said the Kurdistan region has formed a committee to calculate the contract revenue and expenses of the region's oil and the Commission's report will be published at a later time.

Kurdistan's government said it would keep its oil production for export at 140 thousand barrels per day this month and then submit it to the 200 thousand barrels per day to the end of the year.

She also said that Baghdad will pay trillion Iraqi dinars, or about $ 857 million for foreign companies operating in the region. The Kurdistan halted oil shipments in April because of what it said was a delay in Baghdad in the payment of dues to companies. Shipments resumed later but threatened to suspend exports again by September 15 failed to reach an agreement with Baghdad over payments.

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