السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2012

24% decline in sales of computer equipment giant Oracle

Oracle Corp. announced that quarterly sales of computer equipment fell
24% on an annual basis while working hard to bring about a qualitative leap in the unit computers that have fallen to when buying Sun Microsystems.

The company, which managed and Silicon Valley billionaire Larry Ellison, said that sales of computer equipment fell to $ 779 million in the first quarter of its fiscal year ended August 31, according to Reuters.

She had expected a decline of 7 to 17%. Oracle also said that sales of new computer programs increased by 6% from a year earlier to $ 1.6 billion, an increase in line with the company's expectations.

And recorded Oracle, the third largest software maker in the world, profit in the first quarter, excluding allocations amounted to 53 cents per share, which is in line with the median forecast in a Thomson Reuters survey IBM ESI.

There has been little change on Oracle shares in subsequent trading to close after closing in the Nasdaq market at 32.26 dollars.

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