السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2012

Qatar and Maersk are discussing a contract extension Shaheen field 13 years

Sources in the oil industry, on Friday, the Danish Maersk Oil is in talks with Qatar Petroleum to extend the production sharing contract for offshore Shaheen oil field for 13 years, until 2030.

One source said that oil production in the field could rise to 400 thousand barrels per day in 2017 from 300 thousand barrels now with the possibility of installing new equipment, such as a floating storage and offloading in the event of a contract extension, according to Reuters reported.

Paul Taylor did not confirm Maersk spokesman, talks to extend the production sharing contract another 13 years, but said the two companies Tekvan to assess the possibility of the development of the field in a greater way.

He added in an email, "Our focus is to reach the level of production stable in the long term."

The sources said that the production capacity of the field, which produces raw heavy high-sulfur prefer refineries Asian of 525 thousand barrels per day since completed Maersk Oil projects for expansion in 2010, but has been restricted production at 300 thousand barrels a day to prolong the life of the field and meet the Millennium productivity of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

The Maersk Oil, a unit of AT Group. AP Moller-Maersk shipping and oil, entered into a contract for the exploration and production sharing with Qatar Petroleum in Region 5, which includes offshore Al Shaheen field since 1992. The two companies extracted about 1.2 billion barrels of oil since then.

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